Skills Development Provider Accreditation Support Service

  • We support clients in this process, mainly by training the role players for the Accreditation process and the training of Learning Material Designers
  • Clients do their own Accreditation and Learning Material Design, with our support service


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Our Products And Services

Khulisane Academy offers the following products and services:

Our offering is based on occupational development and when completed will constitute credits towards part qualifications / full qualifications, registered at SAQA in terms of the National Qualifications Framework.
We will play a VITAL role in your Skills Development Process.
We know how valuable tools and templates are to the Education, Training and Development Practitioner. We have therefore developed a range of toolkits available to assist the ETD Practitioner with the smooth running of their operations.
Across South Africa the need for workplaces to obtain accreditation as skills development provider (SDP)has grown so much. Our support service will ensure that you meet the accreditation requirements with your first application.